What it means to be an agender trans woman

Jessica Rae Fisher
7 min readFeb 15, 2018


This is the first in a series I’m writing on gender. Equal parts personal narrative and transgender studies I hope to explore topics that have, by-and-large, been nagging at me for some time, but that I haven’t taken the time to write about. What does a thing called “The Cyborg Manifesto” have to do with being trans? What’s the relationship between transgender people and Frankenstein’s Monster? What are neopronouns and why do they upset some people? These are just some of the topics I hope to address in this series.

It was 2015 when I came out as agender to a group of friends. I was sitting in a friend’s apartment, not altogether present and when a moment came in the conversation I said, “Y’all, I think I’m agender.”

At the time I was in my third year of college, it was probably about two months until my 23rd birthday, I had just started or was about to start a job that would last me until May of 2017. I was finally moved out of my dad’s house and “on my own” (with three roommates in an on-campus apartment).

It would be probably another year (or two?) before I would start using they pronouns in addition to she pronouns.

“Well, but wait,” usually comes the most common intervention, even from the friendliest of questioners, “how can you be agender and a trans woman?”

Truly in its purest sense, agender may be understood to mean “without gender.” The Gender Wikia, if I can be indulged such a source, lists many different ways of understanding agender:

Genderless or lacking gender.

Gender neutral. This may be meant in the sense of being neither man or woman yet still having a gender.

Neutrois or neutrally gendered.

Having an unknown or undefinable gender; not aligning with any gender.

Having no other words that fit their gender identity.

Not knowing or not caring about gender, as an internal identity and/or as an external label.

Deciding not to label their gender.

Identifying more as a person than any gender at all.

(Source: Gender Wikia)

A couple of these resonate with me: “Having an unknown or undefinable gender; not aligning with any gender” and “Having no other words that fit their gender identity.”

Without being reductive, isn’t the idea that everyone is either a man or a woman? And that some are transgender men and transgender women, for they reach their gender through a crossing of genders? And if I am a transgender woman, doesn’t that mean I am a woman who will reach my gender through a crossing of gender?

Therein, of course, lies the problem for me. I feel very much as if I have either never had access to womanhood, or that my access to womanhood has been tenuous. These feelings are driven, probably, by my social dysphoria and my financial inability to access hormone replacement therapy.

Transgender women are not easily granted access to their womanhood. From daily misgenderings to partners who cannot understand (and therefore cannot be sensitive to) genital dysphoria, to lacking access points to womanhood that cisgender women have (and that some cisgender women hold against transgender women) — womanhood for the transgender woman is nearly impossible to obtain.

This language of obtaining may sound as if it goes against ideas of someone simply being — it is not meant to. Of course a transgender woman is a woman, the biological determinists who try to argue otherwise have been rebuked in popular, activist and academic discourses.

It would seem that the conversation around social dysphoria here is lacking. Since the time of Magnus Hirschfeld and Harry Benjamin, the conversation of gender in the west has been dominated by the medical understanding of it. And with the publication of the World Professional Association for Transgender Health’s first version of their “Standards of Care” in 1979, the discourse was firmly locked onto the medical. Can psychologists and psychiatrists confirm that an individual is in fact living with gender dysphoria? Are they gender dysphoric? If so, then they will be approved to go to an endocrinologist and start a regimen of hormone replacement therapy. And WPATH’s SOC, intentionally or not, allowed for a cultural understanding that every transgender person would inevitably want to get “the surgery” (which, as many trans people will point out, is not a singular operation).

And along the proliferation of that discursive trajectory, the idea of social dysphoria fell by the wayside. It makes perfect sense to say that my face, my hands, my chest, my chest hair, my genitals, my feet, my shoulders, my back, etc. are making me dysphoric. It may even make sense, though to a lesser degree, due to our “don’t-let-it-get-to-you” social mentality, to say that I am feeling dysphoric because someone called me by a name that wasn’t mine (my dead name or some other “masculine” name that they give me to avoid calling me Jessica), or that they misgendered me by using the wrong pronouns. The society at large almost universally rejects the idea that someone can be made to feel dysphoric by being called “dude,” “man,” “guy,” “bro,” or any other such masculine term for referring to someone. Lastly, society also rejects (or at least has yet to acknowledge) a social dysphoria that is brought on by a sense of, “Others didn’t respond or react to me in ways that I hoped they would.”

Do not misunderstand me. I do not really give a fuck if someone thinks that I am a special snowflake, but for those who are willing to engage what I’m saying here, I am weary of the onerous of which I put on people outside of myself with my previous statement. It’s not revelatory to note that we are an individualistic society. And I have (and no doubt will) cage myself in individualistic pride when challenged by people who may ask why they should give a fuck about how I feel. I will even cage myself defensively against those who may seem more innocuous, though they cut deeper, who ask how they can be expected to manage their interaction with me as to prevent my social dysphoria. I have wondered a thousand times before if I ask too much. But even combined, the two types of people above — as friend, family or acquaintance — do not solely make up the problem. In fact, they are lesser contributors.

As individualistic a society as we are, we have countless social interactions a day — holding open doors, or picking up the pace in answer to someone who is holding a door for us, acknowledging the people behind you at the printer who are waiting for your hundreds of pages to finish, trying to make polite small talk to the people who prepare your lunch, navigating the people around you getting on, being on and getting off an elevator, these social interactions happen every day with people that we call strangers.

Sometimes these interactions do go well, though they are not positive interactions — such as when I use a public men’s restroom and someone walks in and they look confused. They have, in my experience, done one of two things in response to the confusion caused by seeing me (and sometimes they will do both). They will check for urinals and/or they will ask, “Am I in the wrong room?”

In fact, I’m the one who is in the wrong room. Their reaction validates my gender, but not in a heartening way. Each one of these events has the potential to end more poorly then they have, and what’s more, there is no way for me to tell which one of these people are of the sort who would want to kick my ass if I went to the women’s room instead.

My being agender is informed by the way I have to fight for my womanhood. It’s informed by the way that I have to navigate a world where such an infinitesimally small number of people see me as a woman. My being agender is informed by the fear and anxiety of how people talk about me behind my back. My being agender is informed by the fact that my gender lived behind locked doors for so many years of my life. My being agender is informed by the fact that anyone thought it possible to scrub my gender away with bleach.

And yet, until typing out these words, it would seem that I have talked oh-so minimally about being agender. I have up to this point denied myself the possibility that it is materially important. And what that sentence says! I have denied myself its importance for assuming that it had to be materially important! It was a hard 22 years to get people to begin to recognize me as a transgender woman, to throw into the mix being agender (and to push that), seemed more a task than I was willing to take on — but you see, I am agender.

The etymology of the word may not please you, nor its history in psychology, sociology, anthropology or any other field of study. You may accuse me of adding an unnecessary letter to the acronym, you may wonder why I don’t settle into my queerness (for I do identify as queer) as a singular label/identity term.

A truth must be understood — our language has been too small, and even if it is true that a word such as agender is young to the bastard language of English, that doesn’t for a moment change the fact that it is infinitely useful. For myself, I have only just begun to crawl inside of it and explore what it means to me, I have only just begun to let it fill me up.

Have questions? Don’t be afraid to leave them in the comments below! Questions asked may turn into pieces written in the future!

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Jessica Rae Fisher

Trans woman writer | @MetalRiot | @Medium | @GAHighlands alumna | @KennesawState alumna | @GSUSociology PhD Student | #Metalhead