Biff and Muffy pt. 2

Jessica Rae Fisher
6 min readMay 27, 2020

Read part 1 here

Biff pulled up to the ticket booth, paid for the tickets, and then drove around finding a place to park. “What about that spot?” Muffy asked. Biff looked over at her side of the car and pulled into the spot she was pointing out. The first movie was How to Marry a Millionaire. The other was House of Wax. They weren’t sure how they’d gotten so lucky with that combo, but they were very pleased. Muffy started pulling out snacks from the bag at her feet and setting them on the dashboard. She slid over beside Biff and wrapped an arm around him. He rested his head on her shoulder. “Soda?” she asked.

“Please,” he chirped.

She opened a soda and handed it to him. He took a sip and then set the bottle on the dash. Muffy loved the way that the dashboard illuminated Biff. Biff was a large person. Most people concentrated on the way weight was carried on his stomach. He sometimes was self-conscious about the ways it fell around his waist or his chest. Muffy was always impressed with his muscles. His back was like a wall. He was so strong. She always thought that in dim light he looked like a cherub. She was mortified to say it. Cherub had devolved into having such negative connotations. Cherubs were beautiful creatures, as all creatures of heaven were. Biff was her little piece of heaven on Earth. She didn’t mean that to be gross or possessive. She loved Biff so deeply and was so in love with him. She held him close. They would each hold each other in their own turns. Neither ever wanted the other to ever be starved for physical touch.

Biff was immersed in the movie already. Relaxed by the way Muffy’s arms felt around him and the way her hands felt on him. He thought that he could fall asleep like this. And that it would be the most peaceful sleep he’d had in ages. He wanted to sleep in Muffy’s arms for an eon and wake up a new entity in a new time, more powerful and beautiful than he could ever be as he was. As it was, when he slept, he had nightmares and his nightmares all seemed to be the same, they mocked him. He felt stuck and, in his nightmares, he was stuck, and when he woke up he went to work at a job he didn’t care about to try to save money to feel free, if only for a little while.

Biff shot up out of Muffy’s arms, “Hey, hey!” Muffy said in a soothing tone, recognizing that look on Biff’s face, “What’s up sweetie?”

Biff couldn’t catch his breath. He tried to speak, but he just couldn’t through gasps for air. “Ok, ok,” Muffy said sweetly, “Let’s try to breathe, ok?”

She coached him through some breathing exercises while she kept a hand softly on his back. The touch helped him to stay grounded. Once he was breathing okay Muffy said, “Do you wanna talk about it?”

“I… don’t wanna ruin the movie.”

“Don’t even worry about it!” Muffy reassured.

Biff took a deep breath, “I just… I feel so claustrophobic, Muff.”

For a moment Muffy wanted to ask, “In the car?” But then it clicked. She knew he wasn’t talking about the car. It was a bittersweet thing to comfort him about. “Did you nod off? Did you have a nightmare?”

Biff shook his head, “It started off I was thinking about how comfortable and safe I felt. But then I thought about the nightmares and it started to spiral and I just…”

Muffy nodded, “I’m so sorry sweetie! I know these nightmares are very traumatizing for you! I wish there was more that I could do for you! I wish I could be there for you at night, and in the morning! I hate that this town and it’s social mores do what they can to keep us apart.” She felt maybe she’d gotten away from a comforting direction, “But I’m here for you, and I love you, and you aren’t stuck or trapped!”

Biff’s eyes lit up, “What if we went for a drive?”


“Right now, what if we just went on a drive?”

Muffy wanted to be supportive, “Well, I have work in the morning.” She knew that Biff did too but what he did with his night was his business.

Biff nodded, “Right, yeah, me too.” He frowned. “Maybe some other time?”

“Yeah! Let’s do it!”

After the movies were over Biff drove Muffy home. They sat in Biff’s car for a while before he walked her to her door. The end of the night was weighing them both down with existential dread. They didn’t want to be alone. “It’s not illegal for us to spend the night at each other’s houses,” Muffy finally said, “They can’t stop us!”

Biff was anxious, but he smiled, “You’re right! They can frown at us until their faces hurt, but they can’t stop us!”

They got out and both went into Muffy’s house together. Muffy took a shower and then Biff took a quick one. Muffy turned on the radio as they laid down in bed together. Muffy fell asleep with her head on Biff’s chest. Biff nodded off as Joni James’s “Have You Heard?” played over the radio.

In the morning Biff woke up first. Muffy had rolled over in her sleep so he was able to slide out of bed without waking her up. He went to the kitchen and put on some eggs, toast and coffee. When it was all almost ready, he went to wake up Muffy. He stood over her, looking at how peaceful she looked when she slept. He thought that she was stunning. He kneeled down and put a hand on her shoulder, “Muffy, Muff it’s time to wake up.”

“Mmm,” Muffy groaned.

“I made some breakfast, come and eat!”

“Mm-hmm,” Muffy groaned, rolling over to the center of the bed.

Biff went back out to the kitchen and fixed both of their plates. As he was setting them on the table Muffy came sleepily walking out from the bedroom, “Smells good,” she said, sitting down across from Biff.

“They say breakfast is the most important meal of the day!” Biff smiled, sipping his coffee.

Muffy took a bite of her toast. Chewing on it she groaned, “I don’t wanna go to work today!”

Biff nodded, “Yeah, me either,” he frowned. “But think about it! After work we’ll be able to hang out! And every day of work is a day closer to school, right?”

Muffy smiled, “Yeah, that’s true!”

“Maybe tonight we can go into the city?”

“Oh?” Muffy perked up at that.

“Yeah! You could call on your girl and I can go to a bar or see a movie or something.”

Muffy smiled, “Oh, Biff! That would be a great treat!”

They finished their breakfast and Muffy cleared the table. They both got ready and were on their way to their respective places of employment. Biff dropped Muffy off. She usually had to walk or take the bus. “Hey,” he said as she was getting out of the car.

“Mmm?” she paused.

“I love you!” he smiled.

“I love you too, Biff!” Muffy smiled, and then she went into work.

The radio played an upbeat, playful country song as Biff pulled into work. He turned off the car and sat for a minute. The cool air through the rolled down window helped him as he inhaled a deep breath. He wanted to turn his car back on and leave. He didn’t have to go far. If he could go back to Miffy, if he could not go in there. He rolled up the window most of the way, leaving some space for fresh air to get in and then he got out of the car. When he walked inside the building he was greeted immediately with an, “You’re late.”

“Sorry dad.”

“You’re supposed to go with Chet to the meeting with the guys from the record company. It’s a potential big sale! They want to buy $500 in advertising from us and I told them you’d be there in my place!”

“I’m sorry dad, I gave Muffy a ride to work.”

“She’s an adult, let her take the bus! Why are you going out of your way to give her a ride when your ass is one the line?”

Biff was getting angry. His dad was always like this. He wanted to yell at him to shut up. He wanted to tell him that he didn’t have to go out of his way. Instead he swallowed it all.

“Look,” his dad started, “You might be able to meet Chet there if you leave now. Just don’t get lost on the way there taking one of your joy rides.”

Biff was glad to get away from his dad. As he turned to leave his dad called after him, “Don’t screw this up, Biff, seriously!”



Jessica Rae Fisher

Trans woman writer | @MetalRiot | @Medium | @GAHighlands alumna | @KennesawState alumna | @GSUSociology PhD Student | #Metalhead